Linuxism Chang asked:
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 2:13 AM
> To: linux-users
> Subject: wu-ftpd and session limit per ip
> Is it possible to limit each IP to login wu-ftps once only at any 
> time?

Yes. See the host-limit directive for /etc/ftpaccess. From
the man page:

    host-limit <class> <n> <times> <message_file>
        Limit <class> to <n> simultaneous connections per
        host IP address at times <times>, displaying <mes­
        sage_file> if the user is denied access. Limit check
        is  performed at login time only. If multiple "host-
        limit" commands can apply to the current session, the
        first applicable one is used. Failing to define a
        valid limit, or a  limit  of  -1,  is  equivalent  to
        unlimited.  <times> is in same format as the times in
        the UUCP L.sys file.


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