Congradulations, you have been a reciepiant of the SirCam virus.  If you were 
running Windows and pulled this e-mail in via Outlook, it would have infected 
your system.  It would have then e-mailed itself to everyone in your 
addressbook and also attached a random file from your hard drive.  This file 
could have been anything from a personal memo to remember to get milk at the 
store to your personal financial records.  But since you were running eW3.1, 
it is harmless and can't do anything to our system.  This is making it's 
rounds on the internet.  I haven't gotten any, but some here have recieved 
more than their fair share.


On Sunday August 05, 2001  4:43 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> Umm, I am I guess niave when it comes to virii and worms. Just in case I
> took a does of combatrin today, just in case I had been infected by worms.
> After i had installed the WS 3.1 and started it up and got kmail working, I
> downloaded mail and also sent a message to say i was backup in Linux.
> I saw a mail notificaion in the list::-
> slamdunk                     1                   Sun Aug 5    2001
> The name alerted me, so I looked at it::- (I have only included the text)
> slamdunk
> From: "1"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 05:25:26 +0900
> ------168E5737_Outlook_Express_message_boundary
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Disposition: message text
> Hi! How are you=3F
> I send you this file in order to have your advice
> See you later=2E Thanks
> ------168E5737_Outlook_Express_message_boundary
> Content-Type: application/mixed;
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
> After this is a coded area ending with a another::
> Outlook_express_message_boundary  (comment)
> It was a bit hard to get rid of and the computer slowed down. I am guessing
> that its a virus of some type, but seeing it was undone in linux it was not
> operative, even though it seemed to try.
> BTW I have not destroyed this as yet.
> On another tack entirely, I had backgrounds working but saw that they were
> not those I had listed. They were coming from the same area but it was
> giving me 'all' and not a selection I had made. I stopped this and now once
> again no backgrounds, I assume this is a kde problem.

  5:42pm  up 12 days, 18:16,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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