In the last episode, we heard Terence McCarthy say:
> On Monday 13 August 2001 03:10, Mike Andrew wrote:
> > You don't deserve this but, for the benefit of our literary genuises on
> > this list (no names but their initials begin with Dep, Kurt, Bandel....)
> >
> > I submit the following for their consideration when writing their next
> > book.
> Neat, Michael! May I use it for adult literacy and IT classes I teach?

Watch out - if you call him Michael, he'll get that archangel complex
again. That's why he wears the KurtWerks Model 1 Mind Control Device.

_Ode to the Spellchecker_ is not Mikey's, as he'd tell you himself
when he's not pretending to be the archangel. So, feel free to use

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