On Sat, 18 Aug 2001 21:32:05 -0400
"Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My new system has a funny issue... the hostname gets set correctly on boot, 
> however, after firing up X and opening an xterm, the hostname has been set to 
> '-f'...
> anyone know why?
> -- 

I don't have an answer, but do have some clues.  I have a stripped down
e2.4 (no kde, netscape, etc) that I run occasionally.  I boot it into
runlevel 3, login and startx.

While installing another distro I mistakenly applied an update to e2.4.
I don't remember what the update was since I wasn't concerned about the
e2.4 minimal installation anymore.

Since that, when user logs in I get:
        /bin/hostname: cannot set hostname to `-f': Operation not permitted
        /bin/hostname: cannot set hostname to `-s': Operation not permitted

When root logs in no message comes up but hostname is set to -s when in an
xterm.  In console mode the hostname appears normal.

/bin/hostname is different than the one on my full e2.4 system.

Chris Kassopulo

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