On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 20:07, Michael Scottaline orated thus:
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:33:38 +1000
> Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:
> KA> Well I am back up again, bet you did not know I was offline either.. I
> KA> fell
> KA> sick with a mild, thank god, dose of influenza; luckily I had had my
> KA> flu
> KA> shots and Pneumonia this year. I retired to bed middle last week and
> KA> got up
> KA> yesterday for the first time, still feel a bit wonky though.
> ==================================
> Hey Skippy,
>       Glad you're feeling a bit better.  Well enough to be playing with the
> cutting edge stuff again, huh? ;-)  While you're waiting for Kword to
> catch up. SO 5.x handles the exporting of Word .docs virtually flawlessly.
>  It may not be KDE, but it is a nice (if at the moment bloated) package,
> Mike

As I replied to Shawn I disliked the way Star took over the desktop just to 
write a letter, plus its bloated like M$ Word. Just migght take a loo at it 

To make yourself look truthful one has to lie, as most people
do not want to kmow the truth; but only that which they believe.
Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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