--- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK. I reconfigured the SCSI support. Didn't do anything
> earth-shattering, 
> just removed some things that shuldn't have been there (turned off
> SYM53C8XX 
> SCSI support, turned off verbose SCSI error reporting) and the compile
> seems 
> to have worked. I did get a bzImage file in
> linux-2.4.9/arch/i386/boot. I 
> then execute make modules and make modules_install, which seemed to
> work ok 
> (no errors). I then copied the bzImage file to /boot/vmlinuz-athlon
> and made 
> an entry in my /boot/grub/menu.lst file.

What about the System.map file?  You kinda need that too.

> title = Caldera 2D2.4 with 2.4.9 kernel
> root = (hd1,1)
> kernel = /boot/vmlinuz-athlon vga=normal debug=2 root=/dev/hdb2
> hdd=ide-scsi
> When I try to boot with it, I get this error:
> invalid compressed format (err=1)
> System Halted

Something went bing when it should have gone bang.  Try another build,
and make sure that you did "make bzImage".

> Obviously, it didn't work. What did I do wrong? There's a script in
> the same 
> directory where the bzImage was placed called install.sh. Am I
> supposed to 
> run that? I hope not, it looks like it'll run lilo, which would
> certainly 
> cause problems with grub.

I've never run any scripts to build my kernels.

As someone else mentioned, the aix7xxx driver needs a newer firmware
version in many cases.  Check Adaptec's site to see if you have the
latest firmware for the SCSI card.  While this shouldn't have any effect
on the kernel build, it could cause problems actually using the kernel
with that card (but not at boot up neccesarily).

Lonni J. Friedman                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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