If this helps....

    It has been my experience on Windoze 95/98 machines that the network
control panel doesn't necessarily reflect the true state of the IP protocol
stack.  Most of the time, there is a resource conflict in the device
mangler.  Make sure that the Driver instance matches what is in the network
control panel....you might want to go ahead and download the latest drivers
if not.  If this is of no help, issue a netstat -raen>netstats.txt at a
command prompt and attach the netstats.txt file to a message.  I will try to
help if I can.

Ron Giesman

----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 1:29 AM
Subject: win98 hell... (OT)

> I hate to ask this here... but I don't know of a better source of
> information....
> I've got a clients win98 box that she wishes to place on a lan and share
> internet
> connections, with other users...
> Everyone else on the lan is setup perfectly. This one win98 box refuses to
> anything outside of it's own box. That is, I can ping localhost and the
> name and it
> works perfectly... ping into the rest of the lan and it times out... no
> connections. I've
> done EVERYTHING except change the version of OS. I really mean that too...
> even
> ran a new ethernet cable... swapped her nic for known good nic, her nic
> in
> another box, the one swapped into her computer didn't... I even tried
> the
> connection on the switch box end... all manner of twiddle and tweak in the
> network
> setup, etc... ipconfig shows the nic setup as eth0, winicfg look like
> everything else
> I've ever ran it on... The led's on the nic indicate good connect at
> 100baset....
> I've done this type of setup a 1000 times before, but this one machine is
> to the
> net.
> Here's the kicker, Swap out her harddrive for one of mine and within a
> few moments I'm browsing the inet and local samba shares like heaven...
> Rotten windows 98 install?
> Pop her harddrive back into the machine, backup her most important data,
make a
> bunch of notes about where and what is in here install and reinstall
> using
> her copy of 98... after sitting though all this shit... SAME EXACT
> Physically
> move another computer into this ones space... no problems.
> Now, this leads to my question.... Was there ever an edition of win98 that
> a brain
> dead tcpip stack on the cd? I think I've got one!
> The fix was to "illegally" use a co-worker's copy of 98se and... bingo...
> doing what
> she wanted!
> While I'm here... what is the last version of 98 called and does anyone
> have a
> copy they'd like to sell or make a copy of?
> --
>                      Registered Linux User Number 185956
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