On Wednesday 29 August 2001 22:48, Joel Hammer wrote:
> This really isn't a samba question, I don't think, but...
> While monkeying around with the net command in dos, (net | more to see what
> is there), I found the NET TIME \\SERVER /SET /YES command.
> It synchronized a windows95 box with my linux server which runs ntp
> and it also synchronized the windows95 box with my windows98 box, which
> really isn't any sort of server but does have its clock synchronized with
> an atomic clock somewhere.
> This is amazing to me, since when I looked around for time synchronization
> software for windows a while back, nobody mentioned dos. They wanted you to
> give them money for such software!!!
> Now, the QUESTION:
> I tried to put this command into my autoexc.bat but it fails because the
> network card is not yet initialized when the autoexec.bat file is run.
> Where would be a good place to stick this command so it runs after windows
> initializes the network card?
> Thanks,
> Joel

If you want a free and easy time sync for windows look at "sync it with atom"
Works like a charm in the background whenever you're logged on.

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