On Thursday 30 August 2001 08:53 pm, Net Llama wrote:
> The running black humor out in the Bay area these days is to use the
> highways as the barometer of the health of the economy.  Taking a
> look at any freeway would indicate how many people were unemployed.
> Apparently 3 years ago, it took close to 3 hours to drive about 50
> miles from Sunnyvale to Fremont.  Now you can do the distance in
> about 70 minutes on a bad day.

I've lived here (not far from the lllllllama, so it seems) for about 12 
years (partly to escape the crowded freeways in LA) and I can tell you 
without hesitation that 3 years ago, the traffic on 280 on the middle 
of the peninsula was non-existent in the morning.  Within 6 months, 
traffic slowed to a crawl on the same section of freeway.  It has now 
decreased to "busy" but above the speed limit.  

> I spend every day working in a veritable blood bath.  This is far
> from over.  Those with stocks are the lucky ones.  They are just
> losing money.  Many more are losing their jobs, doing what they truly
> loved. I've now survived 3 rounds of layoffs.  I wish all i had to
> loose was some money in stocks.

It's not just in IT.

> =====
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Lonni J. Friedman                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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