On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:55:44 -0400 "Douglas J. Hunley"

> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: [COLUG] very good url from debian
> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:26:45 -0400
> From: kometboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I thought this would be a good site for newer Debian users and
> potential
> Debian users to see. It is taken from a post from the Debian press
> list... It is quite
> excellent...  It was intened for users of the Beos OS who are new to
> Debian, but I think it is applicable to all....
> http://tinyplanet.ca/pubs/debian/html/book1.html

Yep, it's a pretty nice site. Too bad it doesn't work worth a damn.

I downloaded the floppies, booted, created the / and /boot partions
(they're even smart enough to mount the /boot partition wih -notail),
replied to the network configurations options (same stuff I used with
gentoo), and then .. and then ... nothing.  The brain dead beast
couldn't locate its archive, so no install.

The debian site is not much help, since they don't describe how to
download the necessary files to a separate partition.

I have a suspicion from the boot messages that they have picked some
kind of a weird "tulip" module, since the boot message didn't look
familiar, and my tulip card works on everything else I've tried.

Too bad, I've always wanted to try debian, and the instructions looked
so simple.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
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