On September 8, 2001 06:26 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:

> From his PC, he can mount the NFS shares and navigate the direcotries, even
> play some of the MP3s I have on my box. Directory navigation with Konqueror
> is WAY slow, though, and if he tries to play one of the .WAVs I have,
> performance is choppy at best. Is this the kind of performance that I
> should expect on 10Mb ethernet or is it indicative of another problem?

I had no problems with my (rather limited) use of nfs when a 10 megabit hub 
was the network backbone here.... of course with a 100 megabit switch  
everything just blazes along.

> Additionally, my internet performance has been poor over the past day or
> 2 (I downloaded Caldera's supplemental CD ISO last night at 30MB/sec where
> I was getting download speeds in the high 100's not too very long ago), but

Lol... interesting typo.  Being able to download an iso in under 25 seconds 
would be really cool.

David Aikema
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