On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 04:55:53PM -0400, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
>I'm trying to write a script to remove parts of a file and am having 
>difficulty. The code looks like:
>for i in zh fr de it ja ko pt es
>        for j in `find . -newer .babel -name '*.html' -print`
>        do
>                cat $j.$i | sed 
>'s/http\:\/\/babelfish\.altavista\.com\/urltrurl?lp=en_$i\&url=//g' >> 
>                mv $j.$i.tmp $j.$i
>        done
>you can see that within the 'sed' I want to use $i... I can't figure out a 
>way to do this. Anyone?

You need to use double quotes around the variables you need to
expand.  Something like this:
        sed 's/xxx'"$i"'/yyy'"$j"'/'

Be very careful matching the single quotes (perl is a lot easier
for this type of thing).

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