Please consider the following,

Out of the people that you would want to carry weapons, how would
you decide who should.

Out of those allowed to carry weapons, would you brief them to allow for
to know when they are allowed to draw their weapons.

Of those allowed to carry weapons, how would you know if they had been
comprimised and that they arent just carrying them on the plane
for someone else.

I live in Australia, I had to hand in my weapons, a few rifles and shotguns,
the result of one person who went mad, and the politicians then deciding to
firearms from the general population. Now only some people, Police, Security
and people breaking the law carry weapons.

The person who made the policticans make firearms esentially illegal for
normal people,
I beleive did not have a criminal record.

On Skippys point, just imagine what some of the Afghani Airlines might look
like inside if this were allowed to take place, A whole bunch of men with
long beards, rags on their heads, (Forgive me I dont know the proper term),
and each having a russian built assault rifle sitting on their laps.

But seriously, I dont think that allowing more people to have weapons is the
solution to your problem, it just might create more.

I am not a pacifist, an anti gun person, I have 14 years military service
behind me, in Australia.  I just think that having more weapons on board
being carried by civilians really would not help, and it would more than
likely create more problems that it would cure.

Perhaps having TRAINED, TRUSTED, law enforcement personell on board, not
just security guards who want to go flying, or members of the local Pistol
or Rifle club, with sufficent rights to shoot hijakers, and if necessary
kill them, might help save a few planes and some people as well.

I feel sorry for what has happened in the US, and I am very pleased that the
same has not yet happened here in Australia. I wish you all luck and I hope
that you get and suitably punish those cowards who conducted the acts
against you. I am very pleased and surprised that your country has not as
some have commented on made the sands turn to glass as what ever you do in
your retaliation or revenge, which I can understand you wanting to do, will
effect all of us on the planet.

Cheers, good luck and my hopes for all of you.

Shane Broomhall

Brisbane Australia

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Keith Antoine
Sent: Friday, 14 September 2001 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: New York WTC

Bruce Marshall wrote:

> It would be great if they allowed people with carry permits to carry
> on board with prior notification.   I think they should do the same for
> teachers with permits with proper storage of the weapon.   Sure would have
> saved some lives in the past.

Let us NOT forget that we are talking not just American Airlines. I shudder
to think of some
airlines were passengers were allowed to carry guns, you might end up with a
flying collander.

Keith Antoine aka "Skippy"
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland, 4061, Australia PH: 61 7 33002161
Certified Professional Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall!!
Insensible phone computer assistance a speciality.

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