Pardon my late posting on this but I've been trying desparately for the
last week to come to grips with the events that took place on September
11. I am not a person who usually sheds tears freely, in fact I can't
remember the last time I sobed uncontrolably over anything. As I write
this, I am droping tears onto my keyboard - in fact I can't even see my
keyboard right now for the tears. Please accept my condolances to those
who lost loved ones and/or friends in the tragedies of last week and
know that I and Canadians in general share in your grief. In closing, I
would like to present a link to a tribute to America that was sent to my
by my Father. It is a Flash media presentation and it took a while to
fully load on my DSL connection but it is well worth waiting for.


Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Step by Step Mirror:

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