On Saturday 22 September 2001 12:30 pm, Collins Richey wrote:
> I'm encountering one minor problem that looks familiar, but I don't
> have a solution yet.  DNS is working.  My brower (Opera, etc.) can
> find anything, but for some reason my mail server name is not being
> recognized.  I've had to revert to using specific ip address for mail
> send/retrieve.
> Any suggestions?

Hmmm  I might have a solution for you but you didn't provide much 
information.   Just who is not recognizing it?  The outside world?

Also, what is your mail setup?

I use my own sendmail for sending mail and pull mail off my ISP for 
receiving.  My hostname is  linux1.bmarsh.com  and since I don't allow DNS 
queries to come in from the outside world, I had to change my sendmail.cf to 
tell the world that I was  just bmarsh.com.  Sounds a little like your 

# my official domain name
# ... define this only if sendmail cannot automatically determine your domain

Hope this helps.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         09/22/01 12:40  +
"REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q)"
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