
On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Saturday 22 September 2001 23:52 pm, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> > Anyone know what the file  '/proc/kcore'  does?   Sounds to me like a dump
> > of some kind.
> >
> > I've been tracking why my disk space keeps going up and found  /proc/kcore
> > at a size of  815MB!!!     And climbing.   Tried to delete it but it won't
> > let me under normal conditions.  (prob cuz KDE is running)    Will kill KDE
> > and try to delete it but I must have a major problem somewhere.   Yet KDE
> > is running fine.
> >
> > The file is binary so there's nothing I can deduce from that.
> Ahhh  forget this bit of embarrassing  tripe.    I am going to deduce that 
> kcore is anuther linux feechur that is a map into your memory as a 
> filesystem.  Neat trick.  So it's really not a file at all and doesn't take 
> up disk space.

   I dare ya to delete it, Bruce.  Go ahead (nervous laugh like Bevis &
Butthead) I dare ya, do it!  do it!  (more nervous laughing)...

   Just remember that you will need to reboot afterwards, run fsck, and
the system will likely come back without error...

   But you are correct, /proc doesn't really take up any disk space as it
is a filesystem in RAM :-)

      --- Jay

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