On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 11:49:20 -0400  Tim Wunder wrote:
> I'm looking for a good web-based calendar for my Fathers' Club web site. The 
> intent is to have a calendar with a nice GUI front end for end users to access, 
> but a simple backend file format conducive to automatic frequent updating 
> (mySQL? PostgreSQL?). I'd like to be able to give multiple users the ability to 
> update the calendar easily. If it works out, it may be something we can port to 
> the school's web site. Any suggestions? Is there a standard somewhere that I 
> can reference?
> BTW, for those of you who followed my previous post pertaining to the club's 
> web site, I had a nice talk with the web designer and he's open to ideas and 
> changes to make it better. He has decided to get rid of the javascript buttons, 
> at least. He's talking about implementing Shockwave, though ;-(.

I recall that there is at least one sourceforge project like that on 
freshmeat. There are also 2 perl modules in cpan for creating web calendars,
mine and a guy I used to work with - entirely coincidental...

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