Appreciated Doug, Im not on the list cause Im not mirroring, except for 
personal benefit..  8(
Thanks again

On Wednesday 26 September 2001 10:02, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 September 2001 10:38, Bill Day babbled:
> > Since the "native language" bit, its seems my rsync of is
> > working but now It wont load when launching straight to the directory..
> > no longer a plain index.html.. I assume of course the the ext.  "en" is
> > for english.. that is the only one I want to rsync...  I am currently
> > unable to 'mirror' in the midwest but do keep it updated nightly so my
> > damn dialup dont have to laod for hours on end whilst im reading all the
> > goodies..
> >
> > any suggestion on reformatting my rsync line..
> >
> > rsync -auvz --delete --exclude-from=/home/html/ignore
> > /home/html/public_html/linuxnf
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> if you're pulling a copy of the site, you should be on the
> list... we just went over this on that list.
> I'll send instructions to you off-list.

  Bill Day     A.K.A.     BadMan
  RLU#188133     RLM#83358     #linux-users
  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall
  grow a new spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and
  one in determination to break those who dare test our resolve to be free...
  2:30pm  up 56 days,  4:45, 23 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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