On Wed, 3 Oct 2001 11:15, you whispered in my pinkie:
> Lisyt
>   wll I have been hard at work here slaving over this & that, BUT Sunday
> afternoon, it all came to a head. My second grandson was born, he is also
> my third grandchild. We are a strutten like a Peacock here. If you would
> like to see a couple 0of pictures of this little guy, soon to be a Linux
> user as his dad is, go to this url:
> http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/s/sandoval/
> Cheers and Virtual Cigars for all, heck make them Virtual Cuban Cigars,
> Enjoy

Congratulations to the parents, I am very glad to say that he does not look 
anything like you. 

To those who have been in harms way, to those that have made the
sacrifice in humanities name. At the going down of the sun and
in the morning I shall remember them. 
Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer : Knowall

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