Right, now depending on their client... if they forget to type trailing "/" 
some add it(good ol konqy) I.E. doesnot, you simple receive a nicepage cannot 
be displayed until you add the trailing "/"

I do however remeber somewhere in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf(i think thats 
right) that there was mention of requiring a trailing "/" to do the internal 
redirects...  may have been changed removed between mine,apache 1.3.11 stock 
eD2.4 to the 1.3.22 that you are running.


On Thursday 25 October 2001 05:54, you were heard blurting out:
>  dont know why but a trailing slash is required for any url that does
> internal redirects like localhost and users dirs.
> On Thursday 25 October 2001 14:41, Ian Marchak wrote:
> > This is probably a simple one, but I've missed it thus far.
> >
> > How does one/what control access to directories with or without a '/'
> > after them?
> >
> > For example...on a freshly installed 1.3.22 the manual pages are found
> > under http://hostname/manual/ and the trailing slash is
> > necessary...but this isn't always, or hasn't always been the case in
> > the past.  For example, 'http://hostname' works w/ or w/out the
> > slash.  It's a niggly thing and really not of huge importance, but I'd
> > like to understand this.
> >
> > What declaration/dirctive defines this behavior?

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