I am getting stuck trying to install COL3.2 Workstation on a Compaq Proliant 
1500 with a Smart-2/E RAID configuration.

I have been following any and all information I can find and can only get 
about this far:

(working with downloaded iso image, installed from this iso to 2 other 
systems, so the CD is not in question, I think)
Made a install floppy from the COL31 CD.
Made a modules floppy from the COL31 CD.
Used Compaq SmartStart CD release 4.60 to erase system configuration and 
start fresh, choosing Linux as the intended OS.  Configured RAID array at 
level 0 (striping only)
Boot from install floppy.  At grub menu, I hhave to edit the kernel line and 
add 'er=modules' at the end, and continue the boot.  After kernel is loaded, 
I stick in the modules floppy. On Alt-F6 I can see the modules get found and 
loaded for the Net-Flex3 ethernet controller, the onboard SCSI (which has the 
CDROM attached), and the compaq array driver (cpqarray).  I'm thinking.. 
great!  Grub continues booting...
Last good message I get on the screen is 'Starting LIZARD', CDROM spins for a 
bit and then I get this message:
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:13


I've got a similar machine with OpenServer 5.0.6 running, but I want my 
linux.  I also have UnixWare 7.1 sitting here, but I'd rather try OpenUnix8 
before UW7.1.  Both of these OS's (from SCO) install fine.  I've read that 
COL also installs fine on machines like mine.  I'm trying to determine what 
device '08:13' is, if it is my CDROM or the HD array.  Any way to tell?  
After the Kernel panic, my system is locked and I need to power off.

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