heres the exactline i used  wanna bet I screwed it up somehow  8^)

/configure --prefix=/opt/mailman --with-mail-gid=daemon 

let me guess 2 screweps  first daemon is not right? and second I should ahve 
used 55 in place of http?...

what kinda recourse do you suggest from scratch...?

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 01:49, you were heard blurting out:
> Mailman CGI error!!! The expected gid of the Mailman CGI wrapper did not
> match the gid as set by the Web server.
> The most likely cause is that Mailman was configured and installed
> incorrectly. Please read the INSTALL instructions again, paying close
> attention to the --with-cgi-gid configure option. This entry is being
> stored in your syslog:
> Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 55, GOT gid 65534.  (Reconfigure to take
> 65534?)
> The exec script wanted group http, got group nobody...  Reconfigure to take
> group nobody...?
> I dont understand what its telling me here other than that...

  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan ) 188133     #linux-users ( Open 24/7 )
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  grow a new spirit, to be in compassion for those who are lost, and
  one in determination to break those who dare test our resolve to be
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