
> An interesting side-effect was that the addition of those RewriteRule 
> lines hosed up access to my webcal calendar, I was no longer permitted 
> to access the page. I've since removed the lines from httpd.conf. Either 
> I come up with something else, I just let the logs fill up, or I go back 
> to accessing my webserver on port 8192 and close port 80.

Have you considered a cron script (to run at odd hours) that will delete
just those messages from the log?  I know it isn't a clean or neat solution,
nor proper or elegant.  However, it will keep your logs in check until you
have found the *right* method of fighting this incursion.

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condon        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer       phone: (360) 315-7609            |
| Barbershop Bass Singer    Sailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind                         |
 \ /
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