Uhhh...  it wasn't due to apache being hit...  it was due to me opening a 
webpage from an infected IP. thus in the cache remained the inbedded mime of 
readme.exe that continued to write to my users shares, repeatedly.. until 
someone ws kind enough to point me to the directory where konqy keeps its 

On Thursday 08 November 2001 09:01, you were heard blurting out:
> My apache got hit hundred of times back then, and the worm left nothing
> but lots of error entreis in /var/log/httpd/error_log.
> > I do understand that it is a win exploit, but some how it propagted
> > itslef on my linux(kde2.1.1) install, but only to my writeable shares.  I
> > dont know why, I'm just glad that it is gone..
> >
> > and many kudos to who posted the link for the konquerer cache
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