On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 18:16:56 -0500
Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, list,
> I'm finishing up a chapter for an unspecified book on Red Hat Linux
> and you have the opportunity to contribute. In particular, if you ran
> into problems either installing or configuring a stock installation
> of 7.2 (or, perchance, one of the pre-7.2 betas), tell me what it is
> and I may be able to add it to a chapter on troubleshooting and
> problem solving. If you do so and it makes it into the chapter, you
> will have both my gratitude and a mention in the acknowledgements.
        I recently installed RH 7.2 on a sony Vaio laptop (FX340).  I'm afraid I
had no problems, thus none to share.  Absolutely everything worked right
out of the box, NIC, video, audio, CD (burner and DVD, though I haven't
tried in that mode yet).  
        Suggestion:  Have you tried posting a similar request to the RedHat
list??  Or perhaps a scan of their archives??  I recently joined the list
and it appears to be fairly active.  I'm sure you'd get some hits.
Just my US$0.02,

"A world where some live in comfort and plenty, while half of
the human race lives on less than $2 a day, is neither
just, nor stable."

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