Let me know if you need some server scripts, keyboard scritps etc... 

I have 3 different QuakeWorld servers running(DM-DeathMatch, TF-TeamFortress 
and CustomTF-name says it all!) it rox

On Sunday 25 November 2001 19:36, you were heard blurting out:
> I'm a bit sheepish to admit this... but I've just rediscovered QUAKE. It
> fails to run on 3.1 due to update glibc, but I've discovered that the old
> libc5 can be installed from eDesktop 2.40 if you add a --nodeps switch to
> the command line.
> I've been quakin' for a couple of hours now... no problems with either
> quake or the rest of the workstation installation. When I get a chance, I'm
> going to setup
> a Quake World server and see if my family can survive the battle... :')
> Cheers all.

  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )            188133 http://counter.li.org
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