On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:44:37 +1000
Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 26 November 2001 10:10, Net Llama enunciated:
> > The problem with 15, to the best of my understanding is that it
> > to write all changes to disk when you shutdown the system.  Thus,
> > end up with massive amounts of fs corruption, especially on boxes
> > have had long uptimes.  It has nothing to do with the fs being used.
> Thanks Lonni..............

yes, thanks for that bit of info... I'm now running 2.4.16pre1 as well.
I haven't come across any fs corruption yet either but my uptime was
only something like 50 hrs. 

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:

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