Does anyone have any programs that play, let alone create, powerpoint
presentations (pps, a complicated slide show with sound).
I just tried to open one.
Corel presentation version 9, either for windows (Under win4lin) or linux, failed to 
do it.
Staroffice 5.2 did it without trouble. The only blemish was an imperfection
on the sound, which wasn't quick right in some areas, but, that may due to
how SO is configured.
Of course powerpoint in win4lin did fine, too.
I didn't try the KDE offering, as I don't have the latest Koffice software,
but I doubt it would play a powerpoint presentation.
So, despite the frequent bad mouthing about SO being "bloated", it seems
to work, as opposed to other offerings for the linux desktop.
<FlameMe>It would be nice if linux supporters would standardize on a proven performer, 
instead of
always trying to reinvent the wheel. I think people underestimate the
difficulty of writing and maintaining software, and especially the
overwhelming need to be MS compatible.</FlameMe>

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