I have recently changed the Instant wireless PC Card. the new card is rev. 
2.5 is states on the card. 
At first I could not recognize the card, then after tweaking the 
/stc/pcmcia/config file to bind to wvlan_cs it loads and works but requires a 
frequent (every about 10 minutes) reset. 
dmesg states the following

'NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
wvlan_cs: eth0 Tx timed out! Resetting card
wvlan_cs: MAC Address on eht0 is xx xx xx xx xx xx
wvlan_cs This is a PrismII card, not a Wavelan IEEE card :-(
You may want report firmware revision (0x10000) and what the card support.
I will try to make it work, but you should look for a better driver.
wvlan_cs: Found firmware 0x10000 (vendor 3) - Firmware capabilities : 

cardctl ident follows:

product info: "The Linksys Group, Inc.", "Instant Wireless Network PC Card", 
"ISL37300P", "RevA"
   manfid: 0x0274, 0x1612
   function: 6 (network)

follows is the applicable section of my pcmcia/config file:

card "Instant Wireless Network PC Card"
  version "ISL37300P", "RevA"
  manfid 0x0274, 0x1612
  bind "wvlan_cs"

Any help would be appreciated.

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