On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 02:26:31 +0000 (UTC), Anita Lewis wrote:
> Sorry.  Possibly a dumb question, but I saw a lot of Caldera stuff here and
> just wondered if this list is distro specific.  

Wow, that sure generated a lot of replies!  LOL.  Thanks for the answer to
the question and the humor.

I began with RH5.2 and after installing RH7.0, I switched to Debian - I'm
currently using woody.  I have installed many distros including Caldera, but
never really settled into any of them.  

I put Slack 3.3 on the laptop, just because it seemed like the easiest one
to do a floppy install with on only 4Mb.  That's been fun.  So far I have
the base system and a couple of programs from the AP section.  Tonight I'll
add stuff from N. There will obviously be no X on this machine.  After that
I'll be learning the slackware package manager which is "none" as I
understand it.  I would welcome input from our resident Slackware user/s on
how to put mutt on there.  It's not included in the N set of programs.  Do I
need to install any development programs in order to install mutt if I don't
find it among the things with slack-3.3? 

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