On Tuesday 18 Dec 2001 19:39, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> ,--------------- Forwarded message (begin)
>  Subject: Newbies Prayers Answered!!!! (LONG)
>  From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 05:50:09 -0500
>  http://www.redmondlinux.org
>          I have been following the development of Redmond Linux for a
> while now,
>  never actually using it.  I decided to change around my LAN, and
> figured now was as good a time as any to give it a try.   All I can say
> is wow. Flawless install in under 20 minutes on a duron600@1050 abit
> kt7 256megs, generic nic, SBPC 128, tnt2 m64.  If you're frustrated by
> linux, or are thinking about trying it out read on.  This is simply the
> best option for those looking for a windows alternative, or a linux
> playground/schoolyard.
I downloaded version 43 of this a couple of days ago.  Things to commend 
are the quick install, ext3 filesystem and kautorun (from kdenonbeta, 
hacked by redmond to make it work).

However, after a few hours playing, I decided I didn't like it much.  A 
lot of KDE 2.2.2 is missing and what is there is hard to find.  For 
instance I didn't expect kiconedit to be on the Development menu.  KDE 
has an excellent menu structure, but all the distros mess with it.  
Redmond messes with the icons too, but their icon artist is little better 
than Mandrake's.

Just my £0.02.
Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see http://counter.li.org/ ).
Mandrake Linux release 8.1 (Vitamin) for i586
Kernel 2.4.8-34.1mdk-win4lin,  XFree86 4.1.0, patch level 21mdk.
KDE: 2.2.2.  Qt: 2.3.2.  Uptime 0 hours 30 minutes.
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