--- Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi gang!
> Can anyone recommend good switches for ./configure for compiling
> gphoto 
> on Caldera (I'm running LTP but I suppose switches appropriate for 2.4
> or 3.1 would work just fine).
> Thanks in advance!

Funny you should ask.  Depending on what kind of a camera you have, you
might want to try using photopc instead (http://photopc.sf.net).  Its a
console based app without all of the bloat that gphoto has.  photopc
doesn't support as many cameras as gphoto, but if it supports yours,
then its infinitely easier to build, install & use.  

<shameless plug>
And, if you're still dying to get a GUI, see the app that i'm working
on, TyGeMo (http://tygemo.sf.net) that is a Tcl/Tk frontend to photopc.
</shameless plug>

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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