AMD CPUs are a bit hot. The top-of-the-line ones don't have the
protective circuit like P4. Chipsets that support AMD CPU  contantly had
driver problem (notably VIA). Intel periodically cut prices of her CPU
(ok, it's evil, but I am a consumer).

It's better to stick with her unless you are in a hurry to get good
performance out of your hardware NOW. :) Then I may recommnd you to try
SiS 745 chipset + AMD CPU. Hope Nvidia nForce could work out like
i440BX... the 440BX is such a legendary chipset!

> I'm curious why you would wait for P$ to get cheaper when the Athlon XP is cheaper 
>and a better performer? For half the cost, you could be running the state of the art 
>in cpu's.... now.

The pivotal point is the "second chance", judged by another set of
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