On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 13:22:35 +0900 "lesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is an ELX iso ???
> -----Original Message-----
> _·_o_l : Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> _ú__ : 2002_N1__4_ú 12:05
> ___¼ : Re: ELX iso's...<ot>
> >On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 19:04:06 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I've just ftp'ed the elx iso's for a cd customer of mine and I was
> >> wondering if anyone else may be interested in a copy? Seems to be
> >> spread across two cd images, got them both.
> >>
> >> Let me know asap, as I'm in the middle of burning stuff for
> >> tomorrow's post office visit... :')
> >>
> >
> >How do you still have a working [EMAIL PROTECTED] address?  I thought all
> >those were burned forever.

Short for iso image.  Each iso image must be downloaded to your system,
then you can use cd burner software (I use cdrecord) to burn the image to
a cd-rom.  Elx has two images - the initial bootable install cd-rom and
the second cd-rom containing other packages to complete the installation.

You're looking at 2-3 hours download time (on cable - much longer on a 56K
link) plus 15-20 minutes to burn the cd-roms.  Then you can install elx -
under 2 hours for complete install.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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