On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 00:05, Chang wrote:

> AIX5L is really Linux??? you aren't kidding? :)

It is a transmigration of AIX (which is not, incidentally an exclusive IBM 
'thing') into the Linux view of the world.

It is AIX, with Linux added in. In reality, we are simply talking about 
moving to Linux file tree stucture names, the use of bash as a script, and 
the changing of existing binaries to more familiar Linux (gnu) labels like 
awk, grep, etc.

AIX for your info was concieved as a Unix spoiler. It was intended to cripple 
and destroy Unix, since Unix was seen as far far far too 'universal' and 
non-proprietary. IBM, among others, made (past tense) their profits from 
selling expensive, quality software. They are no longer interested in that, 
preferring universal applications, backed by their 'service agreements'.  The 
overused word enterprise solutions comes to mind.

Hence, they would prefer to see the death of the unix-killer.

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