At 03:59 AM 1/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I bought an ATI card "Radeon 7000 AGP 32 Mb" which works
>finely with windows but it doesn't work with Mandrake 8.0
>I downloaded and installed XFree86 4.1.0 but whithout more
>Any help is welcome.
>Maybe kernel 2.4.2 is short ?
>Thanks in advance.
The ATI Radeon 7000 AGP is a relatively new kid on the block. I strongly 
doubt that there is a driver for it yet. It uses a totally different 
theater chip then other radeon based cards. I have not picked one up yet 
and am not sure how you would set this puppy up. Maybe it can be  set up as 
a generic radeon. Go to and see what they have as far as 
support for this card. At any rate it should work with the "vesa" driver 
until a driver for the 7000 is created.

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank. B. C. 

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