On Monday 07 January 2002 06:02 am, Shane Broomhall wrote:
> I am planning on moving from Windows 2000 to linux with in the next month.
> I have basic linux skills, but I am by no means a competent user.  I am
> hoping that people on this list will be able to point me towards on-line or
> downloadable tutorials or books that will help me increase my knowledge.  I

If you don't mind me mentioning a book, the book "Unix Power Tools" from 
O'Reilly is very useful. The title's a bit misleading as the main focus is 
not the free power-tool software on the CD but rather it is a bunch of many 
very interesting tips and tricks culled from O'Reilly experts and online 
Usenet newsgroups. (Back when Usenet was a great place to find information.) 
These tips and tricks apply to Linux since Linux is a Unix clone, and it 
mentions Linux equivalents every now and then when needed. Also this book is 
unique in that it has constant cross references to related information, a bit 
like a print version of a web-page. Another thing you'll want to know more 
about in Linux is Perl; O'Reilly's books are the best on that subject too.
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