Was it Ray Russell who wrote on Wednesday 09 January 2002 20:19:
> Yes you can install both on the same drive.  Do the NT4 install first
> then install Win 2000 into a different directory.  Since the registries
> will be separate all applications will need to be installed under each
> OS.  You can install the Applications into the same directories with no
> problems.

Possible ...yes. Practical? No! Remember we're talking about two unstable 
time bombs here on the same partition, who undoubtedly don't expect the other 
to be there. Swap files?  I would only do this for pure amusement - not if I 
wanted any serious productivity; windoze is the epitome of Murphy's Law

"If anything can possibly go wrong, it will, and at the most inconvenient 
time for it". Personally, where windoze is concerned, I also subscribe to 
Mrs. Murphy's Corollary:

"Murphy was a hopeless optimist!"


        Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

        A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Experience is like a comb, 
that Life gives you - AFTER all your hair has fallen out!
> Is it possible to get Windows NT and 2000 to coexist on the same hard
> drive? I've heard that NT won't reside with another OS.
> TIA,
> Randy Donohoe

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