On Thu, 10 Jan 2002 19:30:45 +0800
"Chang [linuxism]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed into the

> do I need to make pending-patches before make patch-o-magic?
> The INSTALL/README seemed to suggest that... 


The pending-patches is a very small subset of patch-o-matic (not
patch-o-magic).  The most-of-pom target is a slightly larger subset.

pending-patches: patches scheduled (and approved) for inclusion in the

most-of-pom: pending-patches plus experimental patches known to work and
that don't collide with each other

patch-o-matic: pending-patches plus most-of-pom plus all others.  Be
_very_ careful what you select here.  In some cases, you'll be told which
patches toast other patches, in some cases not.  Also, some patches are
_very_ alpha and may cause all kinds of unforseen problems. 


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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