On Thu, 10 Jan 2002 11:21:32 -0500, you wrote:

>That is exactly what I wish to do. I want to eliminate the need to
>install any client software. I don't need bells and whistles - just
>access via a web browser.

well, when I use Tarantella on my SCO OpenServer box, I can use any
web client capable of using java to access the Tarantella system shell
via the web browser.  I didn't need anything extra whatsoever.  Which
leads to my confusion.

If you have Tarantella installed and running, you don't need anything
else.  Have you tried it?  Edit the user profiles within Tarantella
and let them have a shell.  They will have an icon for it in the left
pane after loggin in via Tarantella and you are good to go.
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