On Friday 11 January 2002 13:04 pm, Lee wrote:
> > 
> > Did you try the method I suggested for copying your original boot floppy?
> > 
> > using 'dd' ??
> Yeah, only it didn't work. Kept getting either no such device or no such
> file (even in root). I think it may have something to do with SuSe 7.2
> keeping floppy in a file called /media. Tried substituting /media/floppy
> and /media/fd0 for /device/floppy and fd0 but it didn't work. But then,
> we're dealing withthe folks who invented the panzerwagon beetle.

I hope you didn't mount the floppy first....   (which is the only way it 
would be placed as /media/floppy

Don't mount the floppy.   You're going to copy the floppy to a disk file and 
then re-write the disk file to a new floppy.   No mounts required.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         01/11/02 18:43  +
"Constants aren't;  variables don't."
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