On Thursday 17 January 2002 8:32 am, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> Roger
>   I have gone & reinstalled netscape. I moved all, /opt/netscape &
> .netscape to backup roles, reinstalled netscape. Reset path in /etc/profile
> & rebooted, netscape now operates. When I insert url localhost:1000/, I
> stll get the mess Failed to load requested page in opera & in netscape :
> Document has no data. any Ideas here. Is there a cgi page missing or some
> file?
> cheers

I may be naive on this but I don't think webmin has anything at all to do 
with the browser you're trying to use.   Webmin is a web server and if it 
isn't working,  it's something wrong with webmin, not the browser.

You should be able to walk up to any computer in the world with a browser on 
it and connect to webmin (given that access is allowed).   I've never had a 
problem doing this once webmin was working.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         01/17/02 08:49  +
"There is no country and no people who can look forward to the age of leisure
  and abundance without dread." - John Maynard Keynes, English economist
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