-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Screem
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:11:12 -0500

Installed Mandrake 8.0 a while back and still investigating all the
goodies that install with it in full install. One of these is a beastie,
under internet on the menu, called Screem. Accessed to see what it did.
I got some type of bootup screen featuring a woman in black and white in
the act of screaming along with a bootup log that didn't boot. Lacking
any type of tool bar the thing couldn't be shut down. Was forced to shut
shutdown and reboot three times before it finally went away, but then a
strange thing. The X server now takes a long time to come up and there
is a long between logging in at the kde or gnome log in and the
presentation of the kde/gnome window. After the desktop window finally
comes up everything behaves normally. The questions are What the heck is
Screem and what does it  do? How does it boot? Once accessed how do you
shut it down? And finally, what does it have to do with the X server?

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