> Well, I hate to say it, my wife can not remember were the cdrom disk drive
> is located on the machine. Can not remember were I setup the easy
> to icons
> on the desktop. Actually unless it is sometyhing she uses
> everyday, reteach her.
> This is a common problem with computer users, I only want to know
> that which
> I only need to know or use. Most do not want to know what their
> system does
> and basic system usage. This is a fact that will always plauge
> Linux, and aid
> M$.

I respectfully dieagree, Rick. The people that are only vaguely interested
in the base functionality of an application or two that slightly interests
them are not the vast majority, and most do not require constant retraining.
These kinds of users plague MS as well. Where do you think that handful of
fantastic technical support stories come from?

Each OS as a profile for its target user.

-Linux is pleased to offer what it can to anyone willing to try it (that
distro companies extend the OS is NOT apropos). Linux users will, with a
small amount of effort, reap solid rewards, but they will feel the pinch
when it comes to software, especially commercial games. Cost? Loss of some
consistency one gets from a commercial OS. Payoff? Greater sense of
accomplishment and a newly learned technical skill.

-Windows wants the classic fast food restaurant worker; no prior experience
and a willingness to be shaped like clay for practically nothing in return.
Windows users will, in XP, be coddled through most every task and will be
offered ideas on what to do with ones time in front of the computer. Free
will and choice are stripped by clever marketing and giving for free only
those apps that basic users will find useful. Cost? Loss of choice and
diversity. Payoff? A bunch of killer games... if they don't crash... and
world wide acceptance (regardless of the fact that it was practically


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