On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 10:56:39 -0500
Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ken Moffat wrote: who is one wagon short of circling the wagons. 
> > 
> > Techies love linux, but 
> > my wife hates
> > it!
> She'll come around.  Mine did. :-)  It has taken the better part of 2
1/2> years though.  It is just a battle of will power and my will to work
in> Linux out lasted her will to keep rebooting to get into Windoze. 
Though she> still occasionally does, tis a rare occasion these days.  Like
when we have> to use the scanner.  That will be solved when we get a new
PC though.  

Well, I fought the reboot battle for a while, then I went out and bought
myself a new computer, so the wife and her equally obstinate daughter
could have their windows in peace. Now I have 60 gigs to fill with linux
(except for the 6 gigs I left to winme. I have redhat, libranet and elx
right now, plus a couple of spare partitions, and a 20 gig fat32 for
sharing files.) Everyone seems ok with it. Hopefully they'll come around
when they get tired of Win95 on the old P233 ;-)

Ken Moffat
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