> Why give up a good thing? <g>
> That makes at least 3 of us then, though I actually commute from
> Ponderosa to Santa Fe. It's 80 miles each way and Bernalillo is about
> halfway. I'm now working as Systems Administrator for the State Supreme
> Court's Judicial Information Division there. Had to do a crash course in
> AIX but IBM has some good tools to run linux on AIX. We're at 4.3.x, not
> 5L though. But bash, ssh, webmin, gcc, fileutils and many others seem to
> build and work properly. Is there an Abq. LUG?

Is that Ponderosa or Ponderosa Pine? They're both about 80 miles from Santa
Fe <G> I was using AIX when I was contracting with IBM in Vermont. I don't
find it bad, but then I wasn't using Linux then either. We were also using
some sub-version of 4.3.x. I couldn't stand the cubicle thing, though. Even
though the cubicles were little enclosed offices.

I'd love to get together and talk Linux. I'll have to check on the LUG
thing, but there seem to be a lot of UGs around here.


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