I think it depends on your use.

I use both. Our product line is still officially based on OpenUnix, but
we are moving customers to OpenLinux. Our reasoning is this:

OpenUnix is a server OS. Why? Look at the types of things that are
bundled with it. So, when we buy OpenUnix, we buy and maybe install
lots of interesting things for servers. But, ours is a desktop
application. We don't need all that server stuff. OpenUnix does
not have a very good desktop. On a server OS, it is probably only
the sysadmin whu might use it. And, so many prefer command lines
that making a nice GUI would probably not buy many points. Even
though scoadmin is nice and works in X as well as console mode.
The older UnixWare 1 desktop made by AT&T/Novell was much better.
It was back in the days when the two felt they might enter the
desktop market. So, they sold a Desktop and an Application Server.
The Desktop is gone. OpenUnix is the current incarnation of the
Novell UnixWare Advanced Server. Of course, both are from the original
AT&T SVR4.2 tree, but the Advanced Server took a route to be best suited
to servers, So, if it is a server you are after,
then I would go with OpenUnix. I know OpenLinux can do server
stuff quite well. Among all the other things it does well. But
OpenUnix is designed from the bottom up to perform this task. And
it does it very well. The types of devices that are supported are
those one would use in a server.

If you are after desktops, go with OpenLinux. I think even the
OpenUnix people 'might' agree with that. If nothing else than
because of the more varied hardware support useful in the ever
changing desktop. Servers tend to be more static, and OpenUnix
reflects this in driver support.

JMTCW. And based on 10 years experience with OpenUnix (and the
various forms SVR4.2 has taken over the years).

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:58:43 -0500
patrick kapturkiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Hi,
| I need your experts' advices, please.
| I announced to my boss that, in my opinion, now, 
| OL server 3.1.1 is better than OpenUnix.
| He asked me to give him the advantages and 
| disadvantages between these two OS.
| I think that, with ext3fs and reiserfs, the last advantage 
| of unix is down and I don't see any more advantage for unix.
| My job is the Unix platforms' integration in a good
| company. We worked a lot with Sco OpenServer.
| And now, we have a new generation of programs
| which need data server with Oracle.
| I thank that OpenUnix 8 was the new good idea but
| I prefer OpenLinux 3.1.1 now. Even oracle has 
| a linux version on OpenUnix. 
| But if I see that unix is better, I'll keep it.
| Thanks in advance.
| Patrick
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