On January 23, 2002 05:19 am, Mike Andrew wrote:

> Kurt, Burns, Skippy, lllllllllama and myself all still have our tickets
> for the Caldera Symphony Brass Band convention, in Tahiti. However, due to
> the Camel's outright selfishness in applying (and getting!) a real job, in
> California as a cable car conductor, it got cancelled. Consequently, none
> of us could go parcel post via his old company, UPS.
> It was a damn shame, I had my grass skirt, and my ear thongs all freshly
> painted, nails manicured., even bought a mark I Kurtwerks tin hat for the
> occaision...
> <sigh>

Yes. Keef had polished his crystal balls, tuned up his magic wand and I had 
gotten new dentures for the occaision (I hate borrowing Mike's).

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