On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:32:48 -0500
patrick kapturkiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| I thank you Roger for your thoughts,
| Our will is Data Base Server with Oracle.
| Account, pay ... applications are Windoze applications on 
| windoze workstations. 
| Platform Windoze use W2K server and sqlserver.
| I want add for our customers a new choice with Unix/Linux 
| server and Oracle, where windows manager isn't so important.
| But Oracle doesn't exist for OpenUnix. We can install Linux

What? Oracle exists for UW/OU. Maybe Oracle still call it UnixWare 7.
OpenUnix 8 IS UnixWare 7. In fact, a recent update for OU8 allows
it to report that it is UW7 to software that may actively check this.

Who said Oracle is not available? I kind of suspected that Oracle
was one of the main apps run on UnixWare/OpenUnix.

Of course, as I don't use Oracle, maybe my info out of date. But
there are always all these PTFs that say they are to improve Oracle
this and Oracle that.

Are there any specific Linux services that you would use that don't
exist on OpenUnix? I think they are quite similiar, especially when
it comes to providing services to windows clients.

In my book, it comes down to how much you want/need to play under the
hood and how much you can spend. We like to tinker, and we would prefer
that if our customers shell out cash, it is for products/services WE
earn on...
| Oracle 8i. I tested it and it works well on OpenUnix. 
| I tested webmin, Samba on OpenUnix, they work well. And 
| finally I tested vncserver and fvwm on OpenUnix and they 
| work well. But all these products are Linux products and 
| I'd a doubt on the real opportunity of OpenUnix usage.
| For the moment, with your advice, OpenUnix is winning 2 
| goals to 0.
| Thanks again.
| Patrick
| > -------Message d'origine-------
| > De : Roger Oberholtzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Date : 24/01/2002 10:33:51
| > 
| > I think it depends on your use.
| > 
| > OpenUnix is a server OS. We don't need all that server 
| stuff. OpenUnix does
| > not have a very good desktop. 
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Roger Oberholtzer                         E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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