On Friday 25 January 2002 11:23:46 pm, Ian's voice rose above the ones in my 
head and declared:

> Head to
> http://checkip.dyndns.org/
> it will let you know what your externally visible IP is.  That's what
> you need to point you dyndns name to, assuming that your isp allows the
> kinds of traffic you're interested in.
> I'd guess that traceroute will show your internal (private IP) and the
> next thing it will show will be the next hop past your router...the
> gateway for the segment your ISP has you on.

Thanks Ian.   That looks like it will be a starting point.  I guess I could 
portscan the IP to see what ports they block.  I don't know if I want to do 
that though, my ISP may view that as suspicious activity or something.  

Tom Wilson
Register Linux user # 199331
I used to be with it, then they changed what it was.  Now what I'm with isn't 
it anymore and whats it seems strange and scary to me.

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